Why Choose MedEd America?
Pat Carper, RN established MedEd America in 2002. We have been training licensed and unlicensed people for over 20 years. Pat's has a broad range of experiences. For example, she was a high school teacher with a Bachelor's Degee in Biology Education and the execeptional student education core. With over 16 years of hospital experience she specialized in pediatrics, but cared for people across the age spectrum. In 2006, she started training unlicensed people in Medication Administration who care for individuals receiving services from APD; yes, even before Chapter 65G-7.
APD Approved 65G-7
Basic Medication Administration Training
APD Trainer #NW1-001-TV
Online and Virtual Live Formats Available. MedEd America was the first and as of January 2024 the only Approved Trainer for Online and Virtual Live Training classes for the APD Basic Medication Administration Training Course. More...
Prescribed Enteral Formula Administration Training Course (PEFA)
Onsite PEFA Training. Our Instructor comes to you. Maximum class size is 6. PEFA Validation is included if completed the same day as the class. More...
65G-7 Study Hall & Town Hall Meetings
Join our Study Hall and Town Hall Meetings. MedEd America is offering our virtual study hall and town hall meetings as a community service. Anyone is welcome to attend whether you are taking a course or not. For specific information about the meetings please click on the More link. More...
Coming soon. . .
Continuing Education for CNAs & Nurses
MedEd America is an approved provider of continuing education for Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants, CEBroker Provider #50-543. You will be able to choose whether you would like to a single course or pay one fee for unlimited access. We will announce when courses are available in our newsletter and in this section of the website. More...
MedEd America offers a wide variety of services. Our focus is education for APD Providers, their staff members, and in the near future the individuals they care for. We are always open to suggestions for educational topics and administrative support services. Our is to help you provide effective, efficient and gold standard service to the individuals you care for.

65G-7 Online Basic Medication
Administration Training Course
APD Approved - NW1-001-TV
Complete your training on your schedule. Available 24/7/365
Support and instructor assistance available through email, phone, or web conference.
Registration Form

65G-7 Virtual Live Basic Medication Administration Training Course
$150/student - By appointment only
Class size minimum 6, maximum 20
APD Approved - NW1-001-TV
Rather than sitting in a classroom for 6 or more hours, experience your training in the convenience of your home or office.
Interact with your instructor over the Google Meeting Platform. Your course will be divided into three 2.5 hour days with the fourth day for testing using our online platform.
This will give you the flexibility of completing your final exam anytime within your State Mandated 3 calendar day deadline.

Prescribed Enteral Formula Administration (PEFA) Training Course
By Appointment Only
Onsite PEFA Training. Our Instructor comes to you. Maximum class size is 6.
PEFA Validation is included if completed the same day as the class. Mileage and Travel expense for locations outside of Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa counties.
Email us at meaqualityassurance@gmail.com for availability and estimate.

Medication Administration Skills Validation & PEFA Validation
By Appointment Only
Onsite Validation Training. Our Instructor comes to you. Mileage and Travel expense for locations outside of Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa counties.
Email us at meaqualityassurance@gmail.com for availability and estimate.

Study Hall: 65G-7 Medication Administration
Virtual Meeting - 500 capacity
Check events calendar for schedule
Have Questions about Chapter 65G-7 ??
Join us in our Study Hall. Everyone is welcome!! You don't need to be enrolled in a
Medication Administration Training Course to attend. Our goal is helping anyone who has questions to better understand the rules in Chapter 65G-7 of the
Florida Administrative Code. We will be discussing MARs...the rules, how to fill them out, what is needed in the MAR book;
Controlled Medication Count Sheets...how to correctly fill them out; and answering questions that you have.

Virtual Meeting - 500 capacity
Check events calendar for schedule
Get instant access to an instructor while you are working on your Online Basic Medication Administration Training Course. Students attending
will place their microphones on mute and will communicate with the instructor or her assistant directly
through chat in real time. We will answer your questions, assist with any technical difficulty you may be experiencing and assist with manual updates if needed.

Virtual Meeting - 500 capacity
Check events calendar for schedule
Working together for a better tomorrow
The Town Hall is a place where we can share our successes, discuss our issues, and design plans to make the lives of the people we serve better.
Sometimes working in this profession becomes overwhelming. Especially when you feel like no one understands the trials and tribulations you face.
With a supportive community of people who "really understand" what you are going through, we can help make the day to day easier.
WARNING: This is a place of nurturing, acceptance, and support...Check negativity, sarcasm, drama and screaming at the door!!!
If that's what you are looking for you won't find it here. Violators will be gone with a click of a button

In-service Training for
APD Direct Service Providers
$5/contact hour or $30/year unlimited access
Coming early 2025
MedEd America will be offering courses that are designed to meet the "client specific" training requrements, staff development, and general knowledge topics.
For staff members that are licensed under the Florida Board of Nursing (CNA, Nurses), you
should purchase courses in the Continuing Education category to ensure your credits are uploaded to CEBroker.
Suggestions for topics are welcomed and appreciated.

Continuing Education for Nurses and CNAs
$5/contact hour or $60/renewal cycle unlimited access
Coming Soon. . .
CEBroker Provider #50-543 - MedEd America will offer all the required courses needed for renewal for Certified Nursing Assistants & Nurses licensed in Florida in addition to courses pertaining to caring for individuals with developmental disabilities.
We are in the process of preparing and adding courses to our new continuing education platform. Required courses will be the initial offering with courses focusing on developmental disabilities to be added as they are completed and published.
Release date will be announced in the Newsletter, in this section of the website, and on the Events Calendar.
Events Calendar
Frequently Asked Questions
We are always happy to answer your individual questions by email or through our Contact Us page. In this section answers for questions we have frequently received over the years are discussed. We have also included videos to demonstrate registration procedures, site navigation, and other tasks pertainent to the website and taking the course. The dedicated email for MEAQualityAssurance is: meaqualityassurance@gmail.com
How to find out more about your online and virtural courses?
The best way is to email us at meaqualityassurance@gmail.com If you would like to speak with us about our programs feel free to call Stephen at 850-396-8437 during our business hours. We will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Are MedEd America's online and virtual 65G-7 Medication Administration Training Courses approved by APD?
Yes, both our Online and Virtual Live 65G-7 Basic Medication Administration Training Courses are approved by APD. Pat's APD Trainer Number is #NW1-001-TV.
How do I register for an account and online classes?
Click on the button at the top right hand side of the home page that say "Download Registration Request Form" A word document will be downloaded to your computer. Open the form and save it to a file on your computer. Complete the form, save it in your folder for your records. Then email the completed form to us at meaqualityassurance@gmail.com we will take care of it from there.
Do you provide Prescribed Enteral Formula Administration (PEFA) Training & Validations?
Yes, Pat will come to you to teach the course by appointment only. Please email us at meaqualityassurance@gmail.com with the subject PEFA Training Request.
We will need the location, number of students (APD limits the class size to 6), and requested date and time for the class. I will need at least a 7 days
notice so I can notify the Medical Case Manager of the time and location of the course. For revalidations be sure you check for the 2 hour update schedule for PEFA on
apdcares.org for the locations and times for the update. The update must be completed live and within 60 days of your validation. You will need to email
a copy of your 2 hour update certificate and your last validation certiicate.
REMEMBER: You must be a MAP to take the PEFA Training.
If you allow your Medication Administration Training Validation expire. You will need to retake the PEFA Training also!!
Travel expenses will be added to any classes outside of our local area, Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa Counties. We will send you
a written estimate for the class if you are out of town before we schedule a class.
For More Information
We are always happy to help! For more information please use the contact form below, email us, or give us a call.
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
9AM - 5PM Central Time/ 10AM - 6PM Eastern Time
Emails are checked periodically on weekends and holidays
Email Us
Call Us
Stephen: 850-396-3784